One of my first posts when I started blogging was
Indiana's 3 month update; now I'm writing the exact same post for her baby brother - crazy! This is a little late, but Parker turned 3 months old on the 4th November. I honestly cannot believe he's already 3 months. These weeks are just rushing by, and I'm not okay with it haha!
At 13 weeks he weighed 13lbs 3oz and he still wears 0-3 months clothes. He's SO long though that his trousers are too short and sleepsuits aren't long enough either - however where he's not chunky the next size doesn't fit around the middle haha; I can't win.
He was measured at his 8 week (where he was actually 10 weeks) check and was a massive 65cm, putting him on the 98th percentile for height! I know you shouldn't compare but he is the complete opposite to Indiana. She was always really short and a bit chubby, whereas he is long and skinny. It's so funny!
Same sleepsuit, same bouncer same age - So different! |
He did great at his check and is progressing perfectly. He also had his horrible first set of jabs; luckily I managed to get Jack to take him in this time. He coped really well though and didn't fuss. The reason his check was so late though was because at 9 weeks our poor baby boy had his first chest infection - you really can't escape those germs with a toddler who goes to nursery.
We're still on Cow & Gate Comfort milk but have managed to stop giving the Gripe Water which is great! He now has between 5-7oz every 3/4 hours. He's on a rough schedule which he created himself which is great. We try and follow the EASY method which seems to help him (he's a grumpy little monkey if he doesn't nap haha). He then has his last bottle around 6.30pm-ish and then goes to bed at 7pm with Indiana. We then dreamfeed him at 10pm and he's now started sleeping through until anywhere between 5am and 7am.
We started putting him into a basic bedtime routine around 10 weeks and it only took him a few days to pick it up. I know a lot of people are against things like these but for us it works - we now have the evenings back to relax and enjoy some time to ourselves, giving us the energy to do it all again the next day haha. We've discovered he loves to have something near/over his face to sleep. Luckily we have hundreds of muslins, as they've become his comforters.
We are constantly getting smiles, giggles, coos and gurgles from Parker now. He first started those giggling sounds around 10 weeks and they've really developed. You don't have to do much to get one out of him - he really just loves you talking to him and making silly noises haha. He also finally likes his playmat and can now happily 'play' on it for a good while. He can bash the toys and grab onto the rattles too now. Tummy time however is a complete no-no; he absolutely hates it!
We've had a couple of rough weeks in between due to Leaps but luckily he seems to go back to his happy self pretty quickly. I know the 4 month leap is coming soon though - wish us luck!
13+1 Out - 13+1 In |