So when Organix got in contact and asked if I wanted to try one of their fun plates, I of course jumped at the chance! Especially as my two are still huge fans of their yummy snacks (and I won't say no either if I'm offered). We were sent some Organix Goodies Gummies so we could try the fruit fish plate.

The plate was so easy to create, and all the fruit needed were ones we'd purchase in our weekly shop anyway. I will say I was skeptical about the kiwi, as Parker really isn't a fan of it at all. But he actually gave it a go, and despite not actually eating it, he did pick it up and try it which is a big step for him! The gummies weren't even first to go either, as grapes are a big favourite here.

Want to give it a go for yourself? Here's how:
Fruity Fish Fun Plate
You Will Need:
1/3 kiwi fruit cut into long triangles
2 round slices of orange cut into 3 semi-circles and 2 small triangles
4 green grapes, sliced into circles
5 Organix Strawberry & Apple Gummies
4 Organix Blackcurrant & Apple Stars
Step 1
Arrange the kiwi fruit triangles at the bottom of the plate for seaweed.
Step 2
Place two of the semi-circles of orange in the middle of the plate, pushed together to form a circle then add the third semi-circle to make the fish’s tail.
Step 3
Arrange the sliced grapes on top of the orange for the fishes scales, leaving one part of the orange clear for the face. Add the triangles of orange for the fish’s fins, then a one of the Strawberry & Apple Gummies for the fish’s eye.
Step 4
Finish the fun food plate off by scattering the Blackcurrant & Apple Stars among the kiwi seaweed for star fish and arrange the remaining Strawberry & Apple Gummies above the fish for bubbles.

We received the Organix snacks in exchange for this post. All opinions are honest and my own.