We had a very busy week holidaying in the beautiful Bluestone National Park in Wales - Pip's first holiday! Indiana went on her first holiday at 20 weeks too, but I didn't have much a bump back then! There was a lot of walking, eating delicious food and relaxing which I think was definitely needed.
The drive was the worst bit and did play a bit of havoc on my back but I haven't really noticed it much at all this week! I definitely think Jack doing most of the hard work (pram pushing and Indiana carrying) was the reason; as well as lots of resting with my feet up!
Pip has definitely been very active this week. He's constantly kicking away and I've noticed his movements a lot higher up recently. I can feel my uterus has moved up and can usually find him hidden on one side. I can feel them quite strongly but Jack's still yet to feel even though I grab his hand to put it on my bump all the time haha.
We're so excited to see our little boy tomorrow at the scan (and to double check he's still a he haha). Fingers crossed everything is still ok! I will be back next Sunday for my 22 week update.