At the moment she's loving playdoh, colouring, Bing, dancing, jumping and using her imagination. She plays so well independently, making her toys 'talk' and making them do things. She carries around crayons and always wants to colour, her grip holding a pencil is quite advanced according to Jack (he works at a nursery so knows these things haha).
I'm always told that at nursery she loves messy play - the sand pit, water table,etc - and seems to be the leader of the pack now she's one of the oldest children in her room. Her new game when we're out is plane spotting and jumping on manhole covers/drains. Everytime we see a plane we have to wave to it and say hello/bye, and we must jump on every drain we see too haha.

Eating has really improved recently as she's eating lots more food than she was; particularly pasta, which she wouldn't even touch before! Sleep has taken a turn for the worse though. We think she's teething again which is making her wake up, and get up earlier than her newborn baby brother!

We're so so proud of how well Indiana is doing; especially having to adjust to being a big sister, and now just our only priority. She's taking it all in her stride though; and when she turns to her Parker and says 'love you bubba' we know we have nothing to worry about!
What was your little one up to at 23 months? Any tips for getting her to drink milk in a cup?