5 months old. How is that possible already?! It honestly feels like I've blinked at completely missed the newborn stage, and I really wish I could turn back time and saviour it even more. Parker turned 5 months on the 4th January (at 21+6 weeks).
I haven't had him weighed since 19 weeks, but he was a healthy 15lbs 8oz then - he actually jumped up a percentile and is now following the 50th. He's filling out his 3-6 month clothing really nicely now. Although I'm not sure how long it will last as it's all getting quite short for mr long legs. We've had to move up to size 4 nappies too as he was leaking every morning.
Milk wise this boy is a hungry boy. We switched to hungry baby milk in the hope of holding off weaning until 6 months. He's currently downing 8oz bottles every 3/4 hours so it's not actually made much difference! Especially as this is day and night. Sleep seems to have fallen off of his to-do list as he really isn't a good sleeper anymore. He's waking around 1am and 5am for milk at the moment, but it changes constantly. Naps are also a nightmare and you really have to get him to sleep at the right moment or it doesn't happen haha.
Development wise however he's blossoming. He can sit for around 10 seconds unaided now which he enjoys. He's very close to rolling back to front and we reckon it'll happen any day. He can twist all the way round (which looks so uncomfortable), and then turn in circles if he wants to. He grabs toys, blows raspberries, picks his toys up and pulls them towards him and makes a whole lot of noise!
He can full on giggle now which is the most beautiful sound, and is at his happiest when standing. He can actually stand just by holding your hands now; his legs lock in place and he's very strong! We've been using the Jumperoo a lot more recently because of his love of standing - he went straight to level 2 as he's so tall!
Everything, and I mean
everything goes in his mouth. He has this habit of grabbing your face and launching himself at you to eat it haha. He's teething something terrible but still no teeth yet. We're using a combination of teething gel, Anbesol liquid and teething toys to help - he also has an amber anklet but I'm not sure it's working for him.
If you follow me on social media you'll know he is also suffering from a throat infection right now. He's pretty miserable, doesn't sleep and just wants cuddles. Hopefully his antibiotics kick in soon! The infection seems to have flared up his eczema which looks so red and sore. He just can't catch a break poor boy! This has made him hate being put down even more, so tummy time or even just laying on his back is out of the question.