Learn With Peppa - Fantastic Gifts for Preschoolers | Review


We received these products in exchange for this review, however all opinions are honest and my own.

Before having my own children, I naively thought we wouldn't watch any 'baby TV'. I actually managed to escape most of it when my eldest Indiana was a toddler too! But sure enough, when I had 2 under 2 and needed a bit of support, baby TV came crashing into my house in a big way. The most popular of all was of course Peppa Pig, and that little pink pig is even more popular now with my youngest Lilah.

Of course alongside the TV show, Peppa Pig toys have slowly crept their way into our house too. We were recently sent two new toys for Lilah to play with and enjoy from the Learn with Peppa range. I'm also excited to have one of these new toys to giveaway too, so make sure you read to the end of this post to find out how you can enter!

Peppa Pig Smart Phone

The first item we received was the Peppa Pig Smart Phone; an exclusive item to Smyths Toys retailing at £9.99. For little ones who aren't starting to interact and play, they will enjoy the bright colours and sounds the phone creates. Lilah loves to have pretend phone conversations so this toy is great for that too - Peppa and 9 of her friends are included to interact with. As your little one grows and starts to understand games, they can press the quiz key to play fun searching games by colours and numbers, and even explore simple sums. The phone also has 3 singalong songs from the show to enjoy too.

Peppa's Phonic Alphabet 

The second item we received from the Learn with Peppa range was the Peppa's Phonic Alphabet learning toy; also available as Smyths Toys for £19.99. This toys has been created for older toddlers and preschoolers as a great introduction to letters, numbers and colours, as well as basic phonics too. I remember when Indiana started school I had no idea about phonics, so this is perfect to help teach the basics to confused parents too!

Peppa's Phonic Alphabet comes with 8 interactive play cubes, Peppa will then ask questions that your child has to answer by slotting in the correct cube to her dress. Lilah is coming up to 3 so is only just starting to learn her letters and numbers, but the inclusion of colourful images on the cubes really helped her solve the questions. The cubes have to be slotted into Peppa's dress in the correct way, so the toy really helps improve fine motor skills alongside too. A parental bonus is that the toy comes with a handy storage bag for the cubes - no missing pieces!

Other Learn with Peppa Toys in the Range

There are also two other Learn with Peppa toys in the range that are fantastic for preschoolers. Peppa Pig Count with Peppa helps develop counting skills as well as colour and picture recognition. The Peppa Pig Laugh and Learn Laptop is a great interactive toy for on-the-go. It has four activities built in to help introduce letters, numbers, shapes, colours and more, with Peppa Pig and friends helping along the way. Both retail at £19.99 and are available at Smyths Toys.

I am so excited to be giving away a Peppa Phonic Alphabet over on my Facebook page. To enter make sure you head on over to my page and follow the instructions to enter. Good luck!

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