5 Baby Led Weaning Essentials


Parker has been weaning now for about 3/4 weeks. He's loving his food and we're enjoying baby led weaning him, just as much as we did with Indiana. I feel like an old pro with it now we're weaning our second child. So I thought I'd write about what we think are the essentials for getting started with Baby Led Weaning.

To start I'll just explain a little bit about the process of baby led weaning (blw). Blw involves the child deciding what they want to eat, and then feeding themselves - with no intervention from you! You don't need purees, they simply eat what you eat. The only exceptions are honey, whole nuts and you obviously need to watch the salt and sugar in foods. You can offer spoons of food, just preload them and give them to baby/put on the tray... and away they go!

But anyway, onto my top 5 baby led weaning essentials!

Books / Support Groups

Top of the list, is some kind of reading material. Be it a baby led weaning book, blog, or even joining Facebook groups (I suggest Baby Led Weaning, or Baby Led Weaning - A Mum's Experience). These will all give information on the basics, the do's and dont's, and where/how to begin. You'll also find recipe ideas, support and a place to share those adorable messy photos!


When you first start, a highchair isn't really 100% necessary, ( a Bumbo, or similar will do just fine). However, once your little one is actually eating a bit more, I'd definitely suggest getting yourself a proper highchair.
Image from Ikea.com

We have experiences with two - one is a Mama's & Papa's Pesto (similar just different pattern) and the other the Ikea Antilop. The Antilop is much easier to clean and has a large tray for baby to explore. However it isn't so easy to store, and I just love how much more secure Parker feels in the Pesto - overall though, I'd go with the Ikea (especially as it's only £13!!).

Protection for Baby... and the House

Bibs, coveralls, splash mats... baby led weaning is messy. You may think you know messy, but this is a whole other level haha. If you have carpets, or don't fancy cleaning the floors every day, I'd suggest a splash mat for under the highchair. We just used a cheap shower curtain from the 99p store, so we just threw it away once it was too grubby!

Coverall bibs are also wise for meals where you know baby will be covered head-to-toe - I'm talking about you spaghetti!. Ideally go for the ones with elasticated sleeves so that food can't fall down them haha. For less messy meals crumb-catcher style bibs are the best; babies love going back in to see what they can try again haha.

Another excellent investment are toddler weaning sets; these are available in different options from suction plates to suction bowls and sippy cups. The most exciting part of these sets is that it makes the food time more exciting and less messy for both the baby and the parent. Thanks to the suction base, the plate won’t move around or flip over, while the colorful design will appeal more inviting to our tiny humans.

Wipes, Wipes and more Wipes!

This goes hand in hand with the point above. Once that mess is made, you'll want a lot of wipes to clean it up with. They're also handy for giving tables in restaurants a quick wipe down, before placing food on them. Also a top tip - keep the wipes upside down. This keeps them wetter, so they're much better at removing mess!

Your Camera!

You really won't want to miss those first moments of your baby tasting food. Or the second. Or third! There's also nothing better than a messy baby photo, so you won't want to forget the camera. Some of my favourite pictures I have of Indiana were taken during her first weeks of blw, they really are moments to remember.

Of course these are just my opinions, and just the basics too. There's a whole world of cutlery, cups, and other top tips! Feel free to ask questions, or let me know if there's anything else you want me to cover regarding baby led weaning.

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  1. This is useful. I'd puréed with the other two and they are both excellent eaters but I fancied trying blw this time around. X

  2. Really interesting post, my little boy is coming 5 months and so we've not got long before we'll be starting the messy weaning process and will be needing this advice! x

  3. Brilliant post thanks lovely. The shower curtain is a fab idea xx


If you have any questions or enquiries email me at emilyandindiana@gmail.com or tweet me at @emilyandindiana