It feels as if I was only just writing up last month's siblings project post, and now I'm sharing October's post already! Since my last post, we have fully got into the swing of our new weekly routine. Indiana is absolutely loving school and comes out full of stories and excitement each day. I can tell Parker is well in need of the upcoming half term break though, as he is completely exhausted by the end of the week. And so am I to be honest!
We have tried to keep weekends as low-key as possible these last few weeks, as everyone simply has no energy to do much. Trips to the park and lots of lazy afternoons at home have been just what we all needed. This month's siblings pictures were taken on one of those park trips - matchy matchy outfits meant I just had to get some snaps of our trio!

I love Lilah's little expressions in these photos, as they really do sum up her blossoming personalty. She probably thinks her mama is crazy plonking her in these random spots, making crazy faces to get her to smile. Indie and Parker are clearly used to my craziness by now, but she still just gives me the most confused and unimpressed little faces. It's hilarious!
It's crazy that just a few months ago, our trio was just a duo. It honestly feels as if Lilah has been part of our sibling tribe forever, and I really couldn't image life as a family of four anymore. Three littles is loud, chaotic, and full of hard moments. But it really is the best. And I cannot wait to see how the dynamics are going to change over the years.

Aww, I love these pictures and the matchy outfits - they're too cute! We've been having lots of quiet weekends too - the boys are too tired to do anything else :) #SiblingsProject