4 Easy Ways to Get Fit and Healthy after Having a Baby


Those blissful first few months after having a baby should 100% be spent soaking up every moment - napping with your baby, eating all the food (especially if you're breastfeeding as you're burning extra calories), and just resting your body. But many mums find that once they're out of the fourth trimester, they want to start doing things for themselves again! Getting fit and healthy after having a baby can be a daunting task though, especially if it was your first baby. But it doesn't have to be. In this post I'm going to share 4 easy ways to get fit and healthy again after having a baby.

Get out Every Day for a Walk

It sounds incredibly simple, but walking is a fantastic - and free - way to kick-start your journey to getting fit and healthy. And best of all, is that you can take baby along with you! Map out a simple route for those first few walks, and then once you get your energy levels back up you can start going further afield. Plus, getting out for a walk every day is really good for your mental health as well. Fresh air, and moving your body will definitely improve your mood - and baby is likely to nap too. Win, win!

Wear an Activity Tracker

If you're wanting to keep an eye on how many steps you're doing, or how many calories you're burning, then wearing an activity tracker such as an Apple watch is a great idea. Most trackers let you set goals, so you can keep an eye on your progress throughout the day, and see what you need to do to achieve them. If you've already got an Apple watch, then why not give it an upgrade with a new watch strap? 

Meal Plan and Prep

A great change you can make at home to help improve your health, is to start meal planning and prepping. Decide what meals you want to eat over the week, and then you only have to buy the ingredients and items you need for those meals - a great money-saver too! Once your shop arrives you can then get prepping. Clean and chop-up vegetables so they're easy to grab for snacks, and get your fridge organised. You can even go a step further and cook all the meals / lunches for week so you won't be tempted to order a takeaway. This way you don't have to worry about being in the kitchen for hours when your baby needs you either.

Join a Mum and Baby Exercise Class

You may have signed up to plenty of classes for your baby to enjoy, but why not have a look around for classes you can enjoy for yourself too. Many areas offer mum and baby exercise classes, so you don't even need to wait late evening (when you're most likely too tired to head out), or find someone to have baby. There are lots of different options such as buggy fit classes, mum and baby yoga, gym sessions where babies can come along, and more. Swimming is also a great way to exercise, so why not look at joining a gym that offers creche sessions instead.

How did you get fit and healthy after having your baby?

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