Indiana's 3 Year Update


It's been a couple of weeks now since we celebrated Indiana's third birthday, and a whole year since I did a proper written update on her. So I thought it was time to write a three year update.

A lot has happened this past year. She's really turned from a toddler into a little girl, with absolutely nothing left of that little baby we knew not so long ago. Fully potty trained, no dummy, no pushchair and one very grown up girly!

A little update on her stats:

- Wearing a combination of 2-3 and mostly 3-4 year clothing (this is a massive change as she was so little for so long!)
- Size 7 feet
- All 20 teeth, that the dentist said are perfect

Routine wise we have been very blessed with Indiana and her sleep. She sleeps through from 7pm until morning; now with the help of a Gro Clock which means we don't hear from her until 7.15am! She still has an afternoon nap, and can still sleep for up to 2 hours. I know this is very rare, and we should probably start fazing it out. But honestly she's such a grump without it, and it's not affecting her sleep at night, so I'm not worried!

BIG changes this year have been potty training and removing the dummy. We started PT at 27 months back in March, and she picked it up really quickly. By July she was dry through the night. We are so proud of her and how well she's done - it's just a normal thing for her to be in knickers now, and she just takes herself off to the loo when she needs to go.

The dummy was also relatively easy to remove. We hid all of her dummies, and just told her that she was a big girl and no longer needed them. She was so exhausted that night she just went to sleep. She does still have her comforter though - Bunny isn't going anywhere and we don't plan to remove him anytime soon.

Turning three hasn't been all positive though. With developed speech and knowledge came serious attitude and a lot of talking back. The sass that we get from her sometimes is unbelievable, but I know it's all just part of her growing up.

Over the year I've seen Indie grow in confidence, and I am so proud of her I could burst. She's so outgoing and has made a number of little friends this year. She loves dancing, singing, role playing and her current favourite thing is Paw Patrol. She LOVES being a big sister and although we have had our issues with the two of them, overall she's great with Parker. 

I just can't believe she's three!

1 comment :

  1. Its strange how that happens isn't it? The little baby turns into a girl/boy so quickly.

    I'm glad to hear you say "bunny stays"... I'm 30 something and my bunny has stayed. Well my mum now has bunny on her shelf for safe keeping (and reminiscing.


If you have any questions or enquiries email me at or tweet me at @emilyandindiana