Our beautiful little Lilah is now 5 months old, and she is absolutely blossoming! I know I say it every single month, but these weeks really are flying by so fast. It feels as if just yesterday she was born - and now she's on the move and getting all the chub rolls!
At 21 weeks I popped to the weighing clinic, and Lilah is now 14lbs 15oz, which puts her back on the 50th percentile. We have absolutely no concerns about her weight though. She's filling out her 3-6 month clothes nicely, her legs have rolls for days, and just look at those chins! If anything I'm a little sad she's getting too big already.
Her hair is growing in slowly, and it's got that reddish tint to it that both of the older two had. Her eyes are looking bluer by the day too, so I have a feeling they won't be changing. This month she's really found her voice and is constantly gurgling or babbling away to herself - although she's still hard to get giggles from. And she's also discovered her feet, which is the cutest thing ever!

Milestone wise Lilah is really on the move now! She's rolling all over the place, twisting and turning to get around, and has even started to push backwards too. She's getting incredibly frustrated that she can't crawl properly though, so I really don't think it's far away at all.
Teething has most definitely arrived too, which isn't fun at all! Lilah is definitely a dribbler, and she's constantly got a finger, or even a whole fist, in her hand chomping away. We've got a whole selection of teething products to get us through though, so fingers crossed she pops a tooth soon. Please!
We're not weaning yet, but I don't think we're far off at all. Lilah still has 5 x 8oz bottles a day, but she's definitely getting more interested in us eating and seeing what's gong on. We've got the highchair back out, and we are sitting her with us at meal times now to get her used to it. So I think by her next update we'll be well into our weaning journey!
I just cannot believe in the next few weeks we'll have a 6 month old... it's going too fast!!
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