The Siblings Project | June


Just look at these two this month! My gorgeous babies are looking so grown up, and are becoming a right little pair. I love how summery this month's photos are too (although if you looked outside today you wouldn't think it was ever this sunny haha), and they remind me of the lovely afternoon we spent at Ightham Mote.

Despite how these pictures look, we've had a bit of a set back with Indiana this month. I'm not sure if it's jealousy or just her being a 2 year old, but she's been pretty mean this month! Pushing, not sharing, not letting Parker get even remotely close to her... the list goes on. It's such a shame as when they do get along they have such a lovely bond.

Hopefully as Parker gets older, and he learns he doesn't have to be next to Indie at every second, things will improve again. I know deep down she really does love him - the cuddles, concern and slobbery kisses are proof of that. And he really does think the world of her too.

These pictures do seem to capture the best of them though. Parker the cheeky, mischievous little brother. Indiana the protective, loving big sister. Together little partners in crime... who we just know will be giving us lots of trouble in the years to come haha.

The Me and Mine Project


  1. Great little photo shoot on the bench.

  2. They do look very cute together. I hope they settle back into enjoying each other's company more as time goes by - I'm sure they will. We can't like everyone all the time can we ;) x

  3. Parker has the best smile! They are adorable photos. x

  4. Anonymous15/6/16

    Oh bless them!!! Its funny how Parker has changed so much but Indiana looks the same!! We've had the jealousies here this month too with sharing, it gets tough doesnt it?! But bless them, they're still just babies'll get easier! (We hope!) #siblings

  5. They are SO CUTE! Oh my goodness! xxx

  6. Indiana's behaviour sounds very much like Toby. Sometimes there are moments of affection from him but most of the time he doesn't want Gabe to come near him, or play with his toys and I'm often having to tell him not to push Gabe away. I'm hoping it will get better when Gabe is bigger and can actually play with Toby a bit more, instead of just trying to crawl over him like he does at the moment! I'm sure Indiana and Parker will be the same. #siblings

  7. Oh what gorgeous shots! They sound like they're really trying to figure each other out this month - and when they do it does get easier I promise!

  8. Gosh they do look grown up. Love their outfits. So well matched. I think it's probably an age thing with Indiana at the mo x #siblingsproject

  9. Awww they are so gorgeous, what lovely sunshiney shots! My little boy has that romper suit but hasn't worn it yet, I can't wait to see him in it. xx


If you have any questions or enquiries email me at or tweet me at @emilyandindiana