8 Steps to Planning a Successful Wedding!


Planning your big day can be a very stressful time, so it is not something that most people leave until the very last minute. For the most part, venues, bands and honeymoons often need to be booked as much as a year in advance! This is why most couples spring into action and start planning from the moment the question has been popped. This post is going to share 8 steps that you can follow, to ensure that you have a successful wedding!

Create a Wedding Checklist
When it comes to planning a wedding, most people start by creating a checklist! It is important to jot everything down since there is so much to consider. This list can then be displayed somewhere where you can see it and refer back to it. Why not consider drawing up the checklist on a large whiteboard and displaying it in your home study. It's also likely that little things might be forgotten about at first, so having a list on show will help remind you. Not to mention, the level of satisfaction felt when you finally cross an item off the list!

Set a Budget
Weddings do not come cheap - which is especially true if you are hoping for a fairytale big white wedding that would make even Cinderella herself envious! Unfortunately, it can often seem that as much as you plan, unforeseen costs somehow creep onto the scene. From the wedding photographer to the entertainment for the party, the cost can spiral out of control, and while you no doubt want the wedding of your dreams, the best thing anyone can do is to have a very specific plan in mind and then see if it is achievable within your budget. When we plan a wedding we often think of a set amount, but it soon goes way over that amount because we think we need so many extras that, in the end, didn’t really factor into the overall enjoyment of the day. It is important to set aside your “true” total budget from the onset so that you have this in mind with every purchasing decision.

Buy a Wedding Planner
Although having a large checklist on display is handy, you can't exactly take it out and about with you to appointments and venue visits. A large wedding binder with separated sections for each aspect of the big day is therefore a great way to keep everything in one place - and you can take it with you wherever you go! Everything from fabric samples, to venue polaroids, to contact details can be kept in this handy little bible.

Book your Venue Early
The best venues often become booked out as much as more than one year in advance. As such, the first thing that ought to be on your radar as soon as you know that you are getting married is the venue. Discuss and brainstorm with your partner the type of theme you would like your wedding to have, and then from there you should try and organise viewings at the locations as early as possible. It's definitely best to have a date for your wedding in mind before viewings too, so that once you've found 'the one', you can book straight away!

Send Wedding Invites with Plenty of Notice
Don’t get so consumed in planning your wedding that you forget about the invitations. After you have crafted beautiful wedding invitations, get them sent out at least between 6-12 months in advance. This is particularly important if you are getting married over the summer or during the festive season, when people are likely to travel elsewhere. You can even send 'save the dates' as soon as you've secured a venue, before the official invites.

Don't do Everything by Yourself
Although you will surely want every minute detail of your wedding to be perfect, you don’t have to do it all alone. Your friends and family will no doubt be more than happy to lend a hand in the preparations - and don't forget to involve you husband-to-be either!

And of course if you do get your wedding party involved, it's always best to thank them on the big day with a special gift. Buying personalised gifts for groomsmen and bridesmaids is a nice way to show your appreciation. Not only do these people have great honour and responsibility during the big day itself, they are also likely the ones who are there lending a shoulder to cry on throughout the stress and preparations!

Take Everything One Step at a Time
With so much to consider, it is easy to get overwhelmed when planning your wedding. Don’t get yourself worked up thinking about the never-ending list of things that you need to plan, book and organise. Tackle your wedding to-do list one step at a time. Organise the venue, then move on to the guest list and invitations, then the dress - don't stress about the small stuff before the big details are even sorted.

Remember to Relax!
And the most important step of all - RELAX. Your wedding may feel like the biggest thing in your life right now, but try not to let yourself get too consumed by the preparations. Remember to still make time to have date night with your partner and have fun with friends. You may find that planning is actually easier when you take the time to recoup and rejuvenate yourself, rather than dwelling on wedding plans 24 hours a day.

Planning a wedding can be a stressful time, but it is a time that you are only going to experience once. Don’t feel afraid to call on your support network and try to sit back and enjoy everything that comes your way. Good luck!

This is a collaborative post.

1 comment :

  1. Great tips, I am getting married in just 4 months time and I am in full-on wedding planning mode now. I still have so much to do and pay for xx


If you have any questions or enquiries email me at emilyandindiana@gmail.com or tweet me at @emilyandindiana